Opening hours:
Monday - Friday:
11am - 7pm

Neja Tomšič and Špela Škulj / Wordless (from the Houses series)

16 June 2010 > 02 July 2010 The opening of the exhibition will be on Wednesday,16th of June 2010 at 9 p.m. in Alkatraz gallery.
The exhibition will last until 2nd of July 2010.

He was thinking how the loneliness of his armchair distinguishes from the loneliness that forces you to spend the night full of strangers. It was equally vain; the second one with somewhat more effort invested into the immediate environment. In the first one that he has accepted, he was completely alone. He did not admit the loneliness to himself, nor did he reproach it to others. The only thing he resented her was that she had never thought about it.

The second part of the Houses series entitled Wordless talks about a story untold. The story about a tragic relation between mother and son is unveiled to us fragmentally by opening of archeological boxes where we find objects from the house as well some particles of the narrative in random order. Opposed to our discovering, however, we are constantly confronted with the silence of those who may know the story. With their exposure we become the ones watched, the ones stepping over the threshold of the house, stepping into its personal space. In this way, it wordlessly speaks of the micro-history that has marked the lives of inhabitants of a village, becoming equally important as them within a network of life stories and fading memories.
The Houses series is a series of open research of the abandoned houses. Their narratives reveal wounds on a personal, family, community and society level. In this sense the houses in this series can be understood as ruins of desires. The Houses series is based on memories and facts that may be true as well as characters that may be fictive. The mixture of video recordings, fragments of dialogues, objects and stories, build an image of reality, which always underlines the story of an individual.

Wordless (from ˝The Houses˝series) Wordless (from ˝The Houses˝series) Wordless (from ˝The Houses˝series)